Friday, November 20, 2009

So I was thinking

Today's big news events on the world wide web are talking about Oprah's plan to announce the end of her show after 25 years and Sarah Palin's sell out book going Number One and I started to think about what may come of this and decided that the perfect solution is to have Sarah Palin take over Oprah's slot at 4 O'Clock on weekdays.

I mean if all these fools would actually stand in line in chilly weather to get their books autographed then they would probably watch her show, right?

I've even come up with the starting line up of topics for the first episodes:

1. Teenage pregnancy and how to capitalize on it
2. Wrongful termination of State Police officers and how to capitalize on it
3. Soccer Moms teaching pit bulls how to wear lipstick and how to capitalize on it
4. Sexualizing the political arena and how to capitalize on it
5. Publicizing a messy divorce and how to capitalize on it
6. Calculating how many little red dresses you can buy with an $11 Million dollar book deal and how to capitalize on it
7. Real world politics and how to .... no wait, that wouldn't fill a whole hour for the show.......

Happy Friday from Saba!

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