Saturday, November 22, 2008

Auction House Woes

I WAS (VERY past tense NOW) happy this morning when I woke only to have that ruined by an email sent from the auction house giving me a status update on what items have sold so far. I must admit that news coverage of the economical market meltdown does reach our little island of Saba but come on for goodness sake!

Example#1: Oil on canvas painting by LISTED ARTIST; paid almost $3,000 by Chris in 1998 sold for $125. Fucking give me a break.

Example #2: Federal cherry tilt top bird cage side table; insurance value over over $1,750 sold for a whopping $175. FUCKING, FUCKING GIVE ME A BREAK!

Example #3 through #183: Oh, I can't even go there.............

So, for all my dear DC friends who like art, fine antiques and home furnishings (I have to use initials not to publish anyone) "B.N.", "D.F.J." and "M.S." if you want some really great paintings or bronzes for bargain basement prices, go to Weschler's on Dec. 6th for their end of the year art & antique sale. This is the day that my "really good stuff will be GIVEN AWAY".

I'd much rather someone I know and love have it than some other schmuck!

Happy "Suckerday" (that's me) from Saba.


Doug Johnson said...

I told you to just give me that crap!

TonyG said...

Just now found out about your blog so Marsha and I missed the Weschler's. We didn't need any more shit anyway. Marsha will be pissed she missed the auction. T