Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Scuba, Sun, Fun, Food and more

This morning we went down to the docks for another day of diving. Once we got there I was relieved to see 2 things! First was the tanker anchored off shore that was here to fill the tanks so we have fuel. Second was the supply boat filled with cargo so we have "fuel".
I didn't see any supply of fresh fruits or vegetables, meats or poultry but got down one knee and thanked the Lord when I saw that the pallets of Carib arrived safely.
I did redeem myself today in Scuba Diving. We went out this morning for another day of diving and I did much better than yesterday which means I didn't drown! Our 2 dive sites were "David's Drop Off" first which is on the Windwarside of the island and has very deep lava flows from the ancient Volcanic activity. It drops to about 110 feet and has an abundance of coral, sponge and fish life all over the place.

On the ride to our second stop we got to view the location of our "new house" from the water. It is on top of the ridge in the middle of the pic and of course a token vanity shot of my other half.
Our second dive was around towards Wells Bay and is called Torrens Point. In Dutch Torrens means Tower and underwater the "towers" follow the line of the cliffs underwater but much more shallow. Here we saw more of the damage done by Omar with coral and habitat destruction. One good note is that we saw "Nemo" the Green Turtle with only one front flipper. It was great to see him and happy that he survived the Hurricane safely.

We are heading over to the restaurant shortly to start cooking off fresh pork roast freshly butchered from a local pig. Thank God I didn't have to see the execution, though.

All is well, happy and sound from Saba today....


Doug Johnson said...

I see you have learned the art of cropping out stomachs from shirtless pictures. One of the many necessary skills as we go through life.

LAMama-MSDad said...

You sound very relaxed and content in today's blog. That makes me happy.

You are recognizing and even have named marine-life individuals. The makes me a little scared.

miss you guys,