Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Full Moon Picnic

Well, the clouds didn't clear as much as I'd hoped but we still ventured out at dusk to see the Full Moon rising over the mountain peak.

We packed a picnic of treats including fois gras from St. Maarten, french cheeses with baguettes, prosciuto wrapped cornichons and smoked fish pate and, of course, some refreshing adult beverages. (Thanks, W&J!!)

Paul brought his "fancy" camera and tripod down to the Dancing Trail Overlook where we set up camp but was having trouble with it so we didn't get any professional quality images of the full moon.

This was the best I could do with my little Casio "point and shoot".

Here's to Howlin' at the Moon for you from Dancing Trail Overlook, Saba.

1 comment:

LAMama-MSDad said...

Looks yummy ...everything Pauline does is yummy. Why were there 4 glasses of champagn-ya? Were there snakes around?

There's an idea. Maybe you could do a little feature introducing us to your favorite Sabans.