Friday, December 19, 2008

A Beautiful Morning Sunrise Over Booby Hill

Paul and I had a great day at the restaurant with a nice lunch & dinner crowd.
We had a group of 8 people here from the Czech Republic on holiday for 3 weeks. Wow, those folks really know how to drink! It definitely puts me into the Junior Varsity league in that category.

Another table came in and they were from the Maltese Falcon, the mega yacht I talked about earlier. The owner of the yacht told me that my homemade pate was fantastic! What a nice compliment from someone who's obviously travelled the world in his $300 Million dollar "toy".

Dinner service was a success with people saying how nice their meals were. Comments like that really make Paul and me feel like we're doing something worthy even if it's as hard work as it is. I never realized that my 4 decade old body would feel the aches and pains like I am. Ugh!

Had an awesome night's sleep and woke early this morning to enjoy this spectacular sunrise over Booby Hill. The visibility is so clear that you can see all 3 islands, St. Eustatius, Nevis and St. Kitts in the background.

1 comment:

LAMama-MSDad said...

Hey Babies,

Been outta pocket visiting the folks down in loosyaner. everyone down here's so excited about the inauguration...NOT. Well, back to my liberal haven, Arlington, on Sunday.

I spent a coupla days hanging out in the french quarter. it is slow season, post-Katrina which means there's not much activity. kinda depressing, but on the other hand, it was really beautiful and peaceful.

when are you gonna get skype? i miss you guys.