Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crazy Trip

I have safely arrived in DC. Thank God! The trip from Saba to St. Maarten was uneventful and the transfer from St. Maarten to Miami wasn't sooooo bad BUT my transition from island life back to the states was, excuse my expression, FRANTIC!! The flight from Miami to DC was, to say the least, quite "diverse"!!!

Had I carried on a live chicken and several slices of fresh watermelon, I would have been voted the most popular passenger on the plane!

Thank The Lord that my seat was 3E which put my in front of the proverbial curtain instead of behind it today.

Thank the Lord for small favors. Happy Tuesday from (Saba, via DC) today!!!!

1 comment:

CPC said...

lordie you walking the line... :-0

isn't first class wonderful? even if it's on American Airlines!