A new "brand" of cruise ship arrived on island today.
The World is a "Condo" cruise ship that affords the super rich a floating condo apartment which travels the globe and the owners can pick up and live in their residence at any time in any place that the ship is docked. Pretty Snazzy!
The smallest of the condos begin at a mere $2.4Million NOT INCLUDING condo fees, etc.
We had a handful of folks from the ship today for lunch today and they came from places around the globe, England, Germany, Texas and South Africa. For the most part, they were very pleasant and enjoyed their meals. One woman who dined alone (probably because she was a
total bitch and no one wanted to be in her company) was confused as to why she couldn't get FRESH, FRESH, FRESH seafood. She said "why can't you just go down to the docks and get some fresh fish for me and I only want it if it was FRESHLY caught today". Ummn, because if I go down there NOW, it would take, like 2 hours, and then you'd have something else to complain about! Besides, it doesn't "work" that way here.
Our friend Travis got to tour the ship and said there is a jewelry store onboard that was having a sale and offered a 15.9 carat diamond ring for a mere $1.2M. What a steal.... :)
I told Paul that if there was an elderly Gay Man on the boat with serious health issues and a heart ailment that "I was out of here". (that's a joke)