Monday, January 12, 2009

The Manta Ray

I would loved to have taken credit for this image and talked about the Manta Ray "first person" but will have to live vicariously through the other scuba divers that saw it the other day.

There is a group of college students here on a study course and they went out diving. When they came back all they could talk about was this Manta Ray they saw. Without exaggeration they claim it had a "wing span" of about 16 feet! These kind of rays are fairly rare to this area so it must have been a real treat to witness it.

Their dive instructor Kat posted this image on her Facebook so I've borrowed it to share with you.

Don't shovel too much snow up there! Clear skies and 75 degrees today from Saba. :)

1 comment:

LAMama-MSDad said...

I hope to ray stings you in your 75 degree *ss!

Not only is it cold, but the inauguration has royally screwed up traffic patterns. Combined that with a burst water pipe on 16th St. and it took me 1 hr and 30 minutes to get to my office yesterday. Today, I came in at 6:30 to beat the traffic.

So, you ready to move back to DC yet?