Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama is in "Da House"

My friend Sean posted this photo op on his Facebook page so I thought I'd borrow it to share with you.

It's a photo of President Elect Obama getting his chili dog while visiting "world famous" Ben's Chili Bowl in Washington, DC.

2 thoughts crossed my mind when I saw this:

1: Where did "Shaniqua Gurrll" get that awesome leopard print bag on the counter and
2: Did Barack get diarrhea like I did every time I went there for a loaded chili dog. Hmmmn.

I wonder sometimes if I think too much.


LAMama-MSDad said...

i like the sausage with no chili.

no chili, no problems.

Doug Johnson said...

I ate there at 2:00am the night before and I got the dreaded mudd butt!