Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our first official BBQ

On Mondays the restaurant is closed and this was our first "real" day off in a while with all the planning for the holiday dinners and New Years. We kicked off 2009 on our day of rest with our first official BBQ at the house.

I even got my first house warming gift from Wim and Johanna! It's a glittery Barbie tiara and necklace set with matching earrings. Gosh, they are so thoughtful and generous. :)

Since we don't have patio and deck furniture we had to improvise a bit and used the lumber for the fence project as our table top.

We feasted on grilled ribeye steaks, salads and corn on the cob. Oh, and some refreshing Sangria, beers and Mojitos.

Before the BBQ I went by the postal service to check and see if we got any mail and my (belated) Christmas gift from Paul had arrived! It is this awesome Celestron telescope. It even has a GPS tracking system on it that can find anything in the sky once you program in your coordinates. Very Cool!

You can capture images on it and download them to your computer and record things you've found. I haven't begun to understand how to do that so I just put my little camera up to the lense and shot this picture of the moon.

Happy Tuesday from Saba!


Doug Johnson said...

If the scenery were changed to a trailer, this BBQ looks like it is right out of the Deep South.

We are having an ice storm today in DC. Hate you!

LAMama-MSDad said...

you seem to be in drag a lot down there. perhaps distance from the old world was all you needed to fully explore this, even more feminine, side of Chris?