Sunday, April 19, 2009

Closing up Shop.....

Unfortunately it has come to my attention that my blog has been surprising, offensive, off putting and down right insulting to a number of folks here on Saba and surrounds so I've decided that it is in my best interest that I restrict my right to free speech and opinion in this "quaint little community" and resign myself to living a quiet a "MUTE" life here on the rock. It is wise that I do so while I'm here.............

Obviously, the First Amendment doesn't mean so much here............................

Bon Voyage, I hope you enjoyed your stay, Best Wishes, and Come back Soon for more fun, humor, joy and good laughs at another time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love You,



Sabarickymartin said...

Why are you even giving in to the fucking Saba peopel Chris ugh I so enjoy your blogs and I do not think they are offensive I think you should rethink it seriously. DON'T CLOSE UP!!!

Barbara Schick said...

Oh, no!!!! Please don't stop. Just tell 'whoever' not to read this most interesting blog if it offends them. We love it!!! What about us??? I'm with Chulani!!
My goodness, a person can turn off a radio station they don't like, just don't open the BLOG.

Robert W. Smith said...

do not stop writing-what can they do to you, throw you to the sharks..hmmm

LAMama-MSDad said...

Bummer dude. And I thought DC folks get their panties in a wad.

Doug Johnson said...

What happened to the Chris I knew that let his grass grow two feet talk to piss of his neighbor? Huh? What happened?