Friday, April 3, 2009

I Know You All are So Jealous....

of my glamorous life in the Caribbean with cliffside villas overlooking the sea and mega yachts sailing by with the jet set crowd enjoying their winter vacations all around.

So I thought I'd give you a little inside peak into a day in the life of Chris Fries:

#1- get some more minutes placed on my island Chippie pre paid phone

#2 - Have 2 new tires installed on our "island Lexus" the Diahatsu Terios

#3- Burn my homemade Peach Cheesecake because the damn oven isn't calibrated and runs too hot now that it's been "fixed"

#4- Throw my back out carrying garbage to the back alley and then medicate myself with a muscle relaxer and pass out in bed.

Happy Friday from Saba.


Barbara Schick said...

Sounds like all I'm missing is the Caribbean Sea to look at.
We even have the lizards, we call these chameleons. They have some bizarre antics, too. I TRY not to watch!!!

Sabarickymartin said...

Wow a day in the life of Chris Fries I think I need to give NBC a call lol