Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Results are back... He's NOT Pregnant!

So Paul and I left Saba on Thursday afternoon to prepare for our "day" at the hospital on St. Maarten to try and figure out what was wrong with him. We flew over on the last flight

and landed around 5:30pm. After renting our car and getting our map we found our way to the "luxurious" L'Esperance Hotel which was near the medical center. After seeing the (ummmn NO) matching bed linens and drapes I then realized why it was only $78 dollars per night.

Not my first choice of accomodations but the interesting thing about our health insurance now on Saba is that they PAY FOR EVERYTHING! Once the doctor on Saba ordered Paul's tests, the insurance company ensured arrangements for the flight, the hotel room, a per diem allowance for spending money for the day "away from home" and the hospital charges with NO out of pocket expenses. Wow!

We were scheduled to be at the hospital between the hours of 8am and Noon and they would take patients in turn as they arrived. We decided it was best that we arrive early and got there about 7:45am at the St. Maarten M ' dical Center.

Paul signed in and was called within 10 minutes

to have his tests done. I went off to look for coffee and something to entertain myself when Paul walked up to me and said "let's go, I'm all done". We were out of there in less than 30 minutes.

So we now know that he is officially NOT PREGNANT which kind of pissed me off. I had already imagined our travel circuit between L.A. and Chicago to be interviewed by Dr. Phil and Oprah followed by our new reality TV show and the photo shoot for the cover of People magazine.

Given Paul's age and living on Saba without all the fancy medical facilities would have most likely resulted in the need to have a natural childbirth which would have been a real pain in the ass, literally. Imagine the stretch marks?? But all that pain and discomfort would have been worth it (for me at least) with all this newfound fame and fortune!

So, alas, no fame, no fortune but a daily allowance for spending money on St. Maarten! So, what do 2 boys do with great news and a few extra dollars in your pocket?


followed by some strolling, shopping and people watching along the beach front. We even got to see a "Muffin Bottom"

In all seriousness, though, it was all good news for us down here in the Caribbean! Most likely a gall bladder attack which showed signs and symptons of things much more serious which made for multiple sleepless and "induced" nights for ME. (After all, it's all about me) For now, a diet change for Paul and we watch and wait.....

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