Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter, Ugh!

We're just getting home from serving Easter Brunch at Tropic's and I'm plain wiped out!!

We were invited to go to a friend's wedding today on Saba! The bride is actually the daughter of our friend's and we hosted the rehearsal dinner for them last night at Tropic's.

The wedding was at 2pm and, needless to say, we couldn't make it to the ceremony but promised to get there as soon as we could close down the restaurant after brunch service.

Long story short, Paul is sound asleep in bed after a grueling day at the slop stop shop and I'm just annoyed that we won't be going...........

Not quite the way I wanted to spend my celebration of the resurrection of Christ.........

Happy (I'm pissed off, angry, annoyed, menstrual, agitated and overall "not a pleasant camper today") Easter Sunday from Saba!!


Sabarickymartin said...

awww keep smiling the sun will come out tomorrow Annie plus it should be a day off tomorrow :-)

LAMama-MSDad said...

don't worry Christafah, in june you won't have to cook a d*mn thang.