Monday, April 20, 2009

So I've been thinking

and I'm mad as hell.

When I decided to write this blog about my big life changing adventure I did it for myself, not anyone else. The mere fact that other people seem to enjoy it brings me happiness if I can offer a smile, a giggle or an outright belly laugh from time to time for readers. That is what brings ME joy.

I have also gone out of my way to be cautious in my writing so not to offend anyone or incriminate anyone with my stories.

Since last night's post, I have received nearly 20 emails from people telling me not to stop writing, 7 of those were from individuals who I've never met in my life!!

The recommendation was that I make by blog private so that the general public won't be able to read it without my permission. That form of censorship is simply not acceptable to me.

So I have decided that if a few, very few folks don't enjoy the blog or find it insulting, then they can just NOT read it. It's just that simple.

Fuck them, no that's really not worth the effort, UN-Fuck them. Hah!

So I will be back to my snide, cynical and sometimes campy self in no time; as soon as my blood stops boiling........


Sabarickymartin said...

Thats the Chris I kne wwas there. Up with the blog! HA!

philly said...

The writer of this blog is American and in this country we have the freedom of speech. Don't like it? Don't read it. There's YOUR freedom.

Beth Skipper said...

Although you live in Saba you are STILL an American--blog on sister~