Friday, October 23, 2009

Allergies, Rashes and other things that go itchy, sratchy

My sister Molly was telling me about our niece's school who has placed a moratorium on bringing homemade goods into the schools because of food allergies of some children that attend there. No more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or brown bagging it anymore.

And ONLY store bought "baked" goods at bake sales and PTA fundraisers............ WTF???

Now my younger sister tells me that her kids cafeteria has a Peanut Butter ONLY table for kids that can eat these types of food.

I never remember having to deal with these issues when I was younger but that was something like a half a century ago.

I think that Americans are so caught up with keeping things clean and hygienic and are the ones who are making kids more succeptible to allergies, colds and other sickness.

Just today we were at Target and this guy in front of us was buying about 2 dozen containers of anti-bacterial wipes and proudly proclaimed that he keeps one in his car, on his office desk, at home in the kitchen, bathroom and garage. The check out lady was completely agreeing with him and my mind started to wander.

I glanced over to the next counter and saw the name tag of the young lady of Pacific Rim"ian" decent and started laughing when I saw her name tag: Duk Pu

Now if anyone NEEDS those wipes is the one with a name - Duck Poo!!

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