Saturday, September 20, 2008

I think I need a breath mint

Boy, all of this purging makes me think I should go and brush my teeth or something.
Here's a sampling of about 10 of the 25 or so bags of clothes, shoes and linens that are going to Goodwill. Do you think I can exaggerate on my donation tax chit?

And boxes and boxes of real estate files and office supplies to go to my office for needy, I mean greedy agents to paw through and take.

UPS came and took away a whole bunch of "must keep" items that are going to Florida for shipment onto a container to the islands. The auction company came yesterday to inventory the remaining items. He said it was mostly "not very special" stuff that would have to go into their Regular Weekly Sale but a few of the things, he could MAYBE hold back for a catalogue auction. I know deep down in my heart that I'm Just Regular but really hate being told that....I want, I mean need to be told I'm Special....

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