Monday, September 29, 2008

"I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane, don't when I'll be back again" - NOT!

No photos today since I can't find my pluggy inny thing for the computer. It must have been packed or something. I'm feeling a little stressed today since I was informed by American Airlines that they DON'T ship live animals when the destination port is over 85 degrees at arrival time.

After checking on I found that St. Maarten will be 87 at approximately 2pm on Wednesday. The airlines said to have someone available to retrieve Maggie, Baxter, Duchess and Princess should they not be able to fly on Wednesday. Good Lord!

Looks like I will be staying with the pets until the temperatures cool down to below 85 in the islands. So, guess that means I will be here through the Holidays! And since I sold all my winter clothes, given up the house and cars you'll probably see me pan handling outside Halo or Nellie's for warm socks or alcohol.

1 comment:

Doug Johnson said...

That's my corner bitch!