Saturday, September 20, 2008

To Mow or Not to Mow, This is the question

In my self described funk that I've been in over the last month or more and the decision to wipe the slate clean of my current life and move away I have, to say the least, shirked my yard duties just a tad.

This is evident by the thistle that now stands almost as tall as me as you can plainly see.

I was rudely reminded of this as I sauntered to the mailbox only to receive a notice from Fairfax County informing me the someone (John, you next door neighbor M*&%#R FU*)@&G B$%TA$D) complained about my lovely yard. The County gave me 7 days to remedy the problem or be cited.

I was calmly delivering my violation notice with a few carefully chosen words to the cry baby complainer but Paul wouldn't let me. He said we only have about 10 days left and just be nice.

Now I'm definetley NOT mowing the grass... oops weeds....

1 comment:

LAMama-MSDad said...

mow your d*mn grass, you snarky queen!


look at it this way, this is your last opporunity to mow given that you need a helicopter and giant chainsaw to mow on Saba!