Friday, May 15, 2009

The Carnival Prototype has arrived!

There is a costume manufacturer in Trinidad that made our Carnival costume samples. The colors are in orange, greeen and blue. I chose the pretty blue costume since it matches my eyes....

The headress has spires across the top with seahorses on them. The collar is supposed to be the ONLY top piece worn. Geez, that means twice daily trips to the gym for abs workout starting now until late July when Carnival hits Saba.

The Seahorse belt will be worn over a pair of blue tight bike style shorts. Lookout Saba, here I come!

1 comment:

Sabarickymartin said...

I think the blue suits you just fine it is actually the nicer of the costumes because of the deatil and seahorse :-) see you can kinda be like King Triton lol