Sunday, May 24, 2009

What ever happened to the English language?

In this era of Facebook, My Space, texting and others I am amazed at how the English language is being chopped apart, shortened, butchered and mutilated.

I know I sound like a grumpy old man when I have to ask Paul what things mean in cyber lingo.

I mean, come on now:


I think I'm going to come up with some ones that people haven't heard of just so they can come and ask me what they mean. It will be my own little "language".

Thank goodness I don't Twitter since they only allow a certain number of characters and I haven't mastered the shorthand, so to speak.

Off to serve Sunday Brunch and Tropics and then, maybe, sunset wine and cheese at Wells Bay!

1 comment:

Barbara Schick said...

No one will be able to spell soon.
I agree with you. My grandchildren know to speak/text me in whole words.