Friday, May 8, 2009

Kitchen and Cork

Last night we had our first monthly wine tasting dinner at Tropics to a sold out crowd.

Paul worked very hard on pairing the wines of Argentina to the four course menu.

We all worked our butts off from about 10am and got everything ready for the dinner to start at 6:30pm. It was a huge hit and everyone enjoyed their evening!

We got the restaurant cleaned up and closed down at a little after midnight.

It was a ton of work but at the end of the night I think we made a profit of about $43 dollars so it was all worth it.

Next month's wine dinner celebrates the wines of Spain. Come on down and enjoy!


Sabarickymartin said...

Congrats knew it would be fine and I'll be there for VIVA EspaƱa even though you won't be there I am sure Paul will man the Tropics ship!

Doug Johnson said...

$43????????????? I am speechless!