Sunday, May 17, 2009

Whew, that was fun!

Yesterday afternoon we had 2 separate dive groups that checked into the hotel. All of them arrived on the last 2 flights of the day. One group of 17 are from the San Antonio, TX area and other group of 5 are from California. We already had 4 tables reserved for dinner service and both dive groups decided at the last minute to have dinner with us as well.

Nothing like service 30 some odd people within a span of 45 minutes!

The Texas group especially are going to be a hoot this week. They "like them some cocktails"! I need to go in to the restaurant early today to restock all the liquor shelves and beer coolers before brunch today.

Happy Sunday from Saba.


Sabarickymartin said...

wow sounds like a blow out sale during black Friday :-)

Barbara Schick said...

Hoorah for the Texans, hope they spend lots of that Texas money at "Tropics"