Saturday, May 23, 2009


On Saturday nights at Tropics we now feature Southern Fried Chicken from 4pm-7pm during Happy Hour. It's our own little version of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) but recreated it to become Tropics Fried Chicken (TFC)

Not having ANY fast food joints on the island there is a definite need AND want for "comfort food".

We had our first fried chicken "fest" last Saturday and we sold out before it was even over so today Paul nearly doubled the amount in hopes of some high sales again.

2 pieces of Southern Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and creamy cole slaw and homemade biscuits for $10.95. Not a bad deal at all!


Sabarickymartin said...

Hmmm will have to check that out next week forgot about it eekkk i know i know im a bad patron lol

Doug Johnson said...

$10.95? I can get that at Popeyes for $4.95.