Saturday, September 5, 2009

How I spent my "Tropical Storm"

Since Tropical Storm Erika turned out to be a total bust with very little winds and virtually no rain we decided to "get wet" in another way! We ventured over to our friend, Chris Davies house and made a plan to climb her coconut palm trees to harvest the fruit for cocktails.

Somehow the brilliant idea of wielding a machete while under the influence really hadn't dawned on me that it wasn't so bright.

Here I am sporting my coconut "boobs" with my bushwhacker. (Watch out, this may turn out to be my Christmas Card)

Once the coconuts were cut open we were able to drain out the juice (or milk) and make our newly famous coconut juice, run and lime concoctions.

I found it difficult to get a decent glamour shot when you are trying NOT to spill it all over yourself.

Paul, on the other hand, succeeded in his profile picture!

Happy Saturday from Saba. Off to Anagada first thing Monday morning for some fun in the sun!