Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cock a Doodle Doo

Wow! Starting day 3 on the island and I'm already feeling great.
Paul and I enjoyed a spectacular sunset with a distant view of St. Barts in the background from our "veranda".
This is a little sneak peak at our home with the porch that wraps around the front. The large bulbed Christmas light hanging from the gutters will be gone soon. The real estate agent in me kicked into gear as I was quite sure that representation of square footage was off by a good bit. We are actaully only 822 square feet but I'm over my spacially challenged claustrophobia and am actually starting to enjoy our little abode.
This is our view behind the house looking up the mountain towards Mount Scenery which is about 3/4 miles in the air and constantly shrouded in cloud cover. The top of the mountain is one of a very few classified rain forests in the Caribbean with Philodendrum leaves that span up to 6-8 feet across. Once I get my "island legs" I might actually trek up there. OK, maybe not.
I met our boisterous next door neighbor this morning. I think he is visually challenged as he begins to crow at about 4am rather than sunrise. I wonder if "le coq" tastes better than chicken? Oh silly me, I already know that answer :)

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