Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Suite is Ready to Roll!

The Ocean View Suite is now ready for Monday's booking. This will be our largest and most expensive room at $275 per night and it features dual vanities, a full tub/shower and a large room with a living area and a wrap around balcony overlooking the pool and the ocean.

Yesterday's deliveries included the Dining Room chairs (thank God) plush robes for the rooms and the new curtains.

This room is a knock out and although the slip covers for the couch haven't arrived yet it still looks pretty darn good. Only about 20 minutes worth of final check list items to do on this one it's all done.

I know I've posted this before but this is the fabric for the sofas and chairs once they arrive.

2 members of the Dutch Parliament arrived yesterday amidst all of the chaos to check out the property. Rumor has it that the Queen of Holland is planning a visit to the Netherlands Antilles and they were checking us out for a place to stay while she's here.

One local told me that you're supposed to address her as "Your Royal Highness" each time to talk to her. I laughed and said "What if I adopt a Cockney accent and call her Your Royal Heinous"

It looked like I had slapped him! Either my humor is starting to fail me or I'm just too tired to be funny anymore.

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