Saturday, February 13, 2010


Yesterday started early, really early at about 5am and the day was packed full with cleaning the pool, trying to diagnose a leak in the hot tub, trying to diagnose why the "bubbler" for the hot tub isn't working, fixing some chairs in the rooms, laundry, sweeping and making a couple of desserts for last night's first dinner, serving restaurant guests, cleaning up the kitchen and bar, taking out the trash and sweeping once again.

5am up - midnight down

Today started again very early at 5am and about a dozen chore lists have been checked off, breakfast served, more laundry done and now it's off the clean the hotel rooms.

I'm starting to feel like a morphed combination of Schneider from One Day at a Time and Florence from the Jefferson's!!

Happy Saturday from Saba.

1 comment:

LAMama-MSDad said...

God, that's funny. You're on a roll.