Wednesday, February 3, 2010

YES, I'm an Idiot... Again

So yesterday was a busy day at the hotel and we got a lot accomplished while Paul was in St. Maarten getting the final things necessary for our opening.

Later in the evening I went down to the harbor to pick him up and there were lots of cars, trucks and delivery equipment there to handle the cargo being delivered.

When I drove down the harbor ramp to pick up all of the boxes he got there were two delivery trucks that pulled down behind me so as I backed out and had to navigate to the left and I drove right into one of the cargo container trailers.

Upon impact I heard this loud explosion (or as I should say, an IMPLOSION) as all the rear window glass showered us throughout the inside of the car.

At least the evening started with a wonderful sunset!!

Now it's time to find a new rear window, fix the damage to the rear door and medicate myself.

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