Friday, February 19, 2010

Gloria, Please Shut Up!

Today everything on the news was all about Tiger Woods making his big "scheduled" apology to the whole freakin' world about his F*&K UP. I mean who really cares but since I have nothing better to do then I have to voice my opinion on the whole matter.

I think it's admirable that he wanted to actually fess up and say that he made a mistake and that he's taking strides to amend it but then this chick, Gloria (aka Loud Mouth, Pushy, Obnoxious, Camera and Video Whore) Allred steps up and says to the media world that he should apologize to his mistresses. WHAT?

Do you mean to tell me that some Porn Star/Stripper/Club Dancer/Escort didn't see Dollar Signs instead of Cupid when she met HIM?

And now she needs an apology for sleeping with him?

I'm sure that good ol' Tiger needs some 7 wood therapy but the mistresses should accept the fact that they were just that, Mistresses. Nothing more, nothing less.

And please folks, help me in joining voices in telling Ms. G.A. - STFU!!

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