Friday, January 8, 2010

"Retiring" to the Tropics is all Fun and No Work - Yeah, Right!!

Today's task was to take "a few" boxes up to the cliffside cottages and arrange them for installation. Ummm, a few???

This is me hauling up, yet, another HEAVY box of CRAP up 91 steps at a sheer verticle incline of something like "ZERO"

And here I am hauling up another box of HEAVY CRAP on trip number 19 or something like that although it felt like number 2,198,997!!

If ONLY I had one of these (ABOVE) to assist me in my duties today!!

When we finally finished getting all this crap up the hill I came down to take a quick break and decided to turn on some tune-age to rest my weary soul, muscles and bones and got yelled at to turn the music down because they were talking on the phone!! Someone was just a little on the grumpy side!!

Happy Friday from Saba!!

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