Tuesday, January 19, 2010


"Shoobie" is a term that is not so affectioniately used for people who are day trippers to the beach on the New Jersey shore. These folks would invade the beaches for the day hauling all of their crap down and in the olden days, carry their lunch in shoe boxes.

We had our own little version of shoobies here at the hotel yesterday. They had called to see if we were open for lunch. We said No but offered the pool for them to use.

They showed up with every imaginable bag, tote, umbrellas, clothes and food and set up camp for the day here. When we open our doors for business soon we will not allow any "outside food or drink" on the premises but for now it's OK.

The pushy kind of way they did it was what bothered me though.

I told one very "large Marge" at one point that she should put on some suncreen and even offered some for her and she said she wanted to get some sun. Well, she got it! As the afternoon progressed she started getting those tiny little white blisters on her bright red and oh so generous figure. Boy was she fried......

As they were packing up to leave she waved her hand towards the ocean and asks "Do ya ever see any of them Orcas out there?" I said "Why yes and on very special occasions you can even see one when you're looking TOWARDS the hotel" She got this very confused look on her face and then exclaimed "Oh, through the reflection on the glass?"

"Exactly" as I winked.......

1 comment:

Beth Skipper said...

Hahahahaha, I didn't realize what an evil mind you had sugar! I love it!!!