Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a Freakin' Moron!

OK, so I have to admit that I've been pretty darn pissed off for most of the day today after hearing Pat Robertson's (aka - Moron of the Century) diatribe on Haiti.

He claims that the people of Haiti made a pact with the devil to "free them from the French" and it's THEIR fault the earthquake hit them, that they live in poverty and are such victims of other Earthly disaster such as hurricanes, floods, etc.

What on Earth would make a person have such a thought? I mean really!!

So this is me standing on MY SOAPBOX for just a minute to voice my opinion.

"Pat Robertson, the 700 Club and all you fools who actually follow this man; go take a giant leap off a really, really tall cliff"

In a time of disaster like this, shouldn't we all come together as a country and a world to lend support, prayers, money, time and the endless energies it will take to help out?

It just really angers me when someone "with a voice" will spew this rancid evil and hatred all "In the Name of the Lord".

Sorry, but I am super mad about this........


Barbara Schick said...

I agree with you 100%. What a fool he is and certainly doesn't know anything about being a Christian.

Angela Madaras said...

i say this with great compassion.............he is evil and will still hold him in light and pray for him to wake up one day. he is a bad man who thinks he can be so freakin judgmental. who made him God? how can he see human suffering to these depths with out one ounce of compassion? is that not what Christians are supposed to feel? they made a pact with God and Christ to not judge and to care for they neighbor. how's that working out for the far right extremists who follow this guy?