Monday, January 18, 2010

What's That Buzzing??

Yesterday afternoon Paul decided to connect the DVD surround sound system in the Manager's apartment. This new fangle thing is all wireless and very complicated for my "closed mind"

I immediately excused myself from the vacinity and tried to become rapidly absent but he called for me to assist. I thought, Oh, Lord here we go. I absolutely HATE doing this kind of stuff. Luckily all he wanted me to do was read the directions to him while he did all the actual work.

After following the steps one by one and with percise attention to the details, it didn't work. Now I'm of the mindset that if you can't hear the sound, just turn up the volume a little bit but this new system is supposed to have you hear special effects from behind you, above you, under you and do things that would make the ice in your cocktail tinkle against the glass.

After taking a break from the installation we went back to the "old way" of watching TV and later that evening a loud, high pitched buzzing started happening from under one of the main speakers.

So naturally I thought to myself

"Myself, what did Paul do NOW to the damn TV and why can't we just keep things simple and stop messing with things"

I get up and bang on the speakers. This is what I used to do with my old car in college and it worked just fine. Problem solved!! As soon as I sit down the buzzing starts all over again so I get up and bang the speakers again. Problem solved!! This happens about 6-8 times before I start to get suspicious..........

Moral of the story: Have more faith in your other half and keep a rolled up newspaper handy to kill pesky crickets.

Happy Martin Luther King Day from Saba.

1 comment:

Barbara Schick said...

So-----is it working now?